oh honey

oh honey
days are long, years are short.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Balancing Act

It has finally cooled off some. If given the choice I would have curled up in this spot all weekend. I treated myself to a new book on my last trip to Target and the temptation to cancel all plans, make a pot of coffee and let the kids run amuck while I read was enticing. However, there was a best friend to celebrate, soccer games to attend and a sweet sixteen party to get dolled up for.

Our weekend in a nutshell...

{cat ear headband to accessorize her outfit for school}


{surprise!! dessert+vino for Amanda's 27th}

{love these girls}

 {sideline snuggles with grandma}

 {happy sweet 16 Lani Rose}

{pre-church monopoly}

 {fall tradition at grandma's}

The weekend was full. While that helps pass the time while Drake is away, downtime is what rejuvenates our bodies and minds. The Lord most have known we needed a slow day because Sammy woke up with a fever early this morning. I am praying it's just a fever and passes soon. In the meantime, soup is simmering, laundry is going and daddy is somewhere between here and Wisconsin. We can't wait to see him tonight!


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