oh honey

oh honey
days are long, years are short.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Spilled Milk

We all know the saying, "there's no use crying over spilled milk..." In theory I know this, but this morning it was I who was crying over it. Not only because we buy the organic stuff and it's almost five dollars for a half gallon, but more so because it was one more thing to handle...

Yet another thing to clean and more evidence that my children aren't perfectly obedient. I don't expect them to be. Like me they can be impatient. Therefore, when I tell them to wait for me to pour the milk and they don't because they want it now and it spills I'm left with overpriced milk puddled on my counter, dripping down my cabinets and pooling on my floor. So we all clean it up together.

And yes, I actually cried.

However, God is so good. I'm so glad He handles me more gracefully than I handle them. Often my impatience leads to a mess and we clean it up together. Cleaning is rarely fun, but so rewarding when it's done.

I feel like my heart had a good cleaning today. The Lord worked with me to sop up the puddles, drips and pools. We refined my outlook and He breathed contentment into me through every load of laundry and each tile I scrubbed on the bathroom floor. Praise Him for that.

I know I've been absent from this space for awhile. Drake has been traveling less and the activities of summer have left me tired at night. We've had some unexpected things come up in our family, but through them the Lord has strengthened us with His unrelenting grace.

I pray you all are having a blessed summer, I'm hoping to share glimpses of our's with you soon.

And remember when you're on your knees cleaning up spilled milk, the Lord is right beside you.


  1. A cleaning of the heart has a new meaning to me. Just a small little malfunction of the heart can cause all kinds of chaos. God knows this and He so wants us to give Him ALL of our heart. When He cleans our heart its better than ever. Praise God you were able to see God in the "spilled milk" and even better that He is always there, in all of it.. even if we don't see Him. He is faithful! Praising Him for grandchildren that spill milk, dirty laundry, and are busy beings! God is good.

  2. Juliana likes this blog best when you include pictures. Please update with pictures.
    XXXOOO- juliana & grandma
